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Sydney’s Vivid 2022

So I’ve just edited and uploaded my Vivid 2022 photos and I thought I’d give photography enthusiasts the best ever guide to camera settings , here goes.

1/ Get ready to shoot at 6pm, make sure you have a tripod you can operate in the dark and choose manual mode .

Also choose a 2 second timer as touching the shutter during an exposure will cause camera shake and blur your photos .

2/ Lens – The best quality you can afford , a wide one if you have one , remember the quality of your photos often affects the quality of the lens you have.

3/ Focal Mode – A1 focus for cannon or with Nikon A1 automatic , have your focal dots in the middle of the frame.

4/ Now for the settings – I generally start with ISO . The newer more expensive cameras will handle higher ISO better than the older basic cameras .

For me , I chose to go high with my ISO as I wanted a certain FG stop and shutter speed .

Start at 8,000 , you can dial it down if you have too much light .

Remember high ISO will give you a more grainy image . Graininess is better than an image that is not exposed correctly.

Aperture -8fg is my go too . If you still dont have enough light go down to 5.6 fg .

I’ve read a post where a photographer uses 2 fg , for me , vivid is landscape and for the best landscapes , 2fg would not be recommended..

I would love to go smaller with the aperture , say 14fg but really I’m not compromising with my other settings , ultimately the decision is yours so experiment.

Shutter Speed – So here’s the thing , the images are moving on the opera house .

Sure I would love a slower shutter speed but the images will be blurry so my go to is 1/10 – 1/20 .

That’s one tenth of a second to one twentieth of a second.

5/ Watch your light meter , expose to the left .

This means underexpose a little to get dark skies . The highlights will be bright enough.

That’s it and if you would like to follow my blog and my all my latest tips and info , just sign up to my mailing list on my website.

Cheers Sharon

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  • Chitra Iyer12/06/2022 - 7:05 am

    Thanks for the tipsReplyCancel